So far I've found guardians scripted to guard units (they just can't. If you get into the game fine and it only crashes out after a few (or many) minutes of gameplay then this is probably related to a mission scripting bug somewhere in the mission schema scripts is an initialmission command that is invalid, or winds up creating a unit in an invalid state such that destroying that unit (more often than not it seems to be a unit death that triggers this) results in the game crashing.

This means that some campaigns that were working fine in vanilla TA will crash out when you port them over to TAESC the fix is the same as above. Oddly the low unit limits work in vanilla TA the crash only occurs with TAESC. If you crash out after the game map appears on screen, right after you unpause the game to start playing, then the unit limit is too low (eg 200).

ota embedded in the map.ufo or map.ccx or whatever your maps extension is. ota file with notepad, changing it to 2k, then copying it into your installfolder\maps directory, and the game will use it preferentially to the. I found that unit limits too high (5000) seem to cause this crash.The good news is you can create a quick fix by editing the. The specific problem seems to be in the header, before the mission data starts (ie the schemas). ota files which setup the maps configurations as well as contain mission specific data on unit positions and their starting scripts. tnt files there which contain the terrain data, and the. (if you unpack the map, it is in the \maps directory there are. If you crash out just after all the loading bars complete but before the game map appears on screen, this appears to be an error in the map's.
#Stacks tnt game crashes install
It is possible to install the feature into your own TAESC.gp3 (you will need to unpack it, copy the missing feature into the correct subdirectory, then repack it back into TAESC.gp3) and it will work fine for you in single-player missions, but I'm not sure how online multiplayer will deal with this. This means you don't need to install the unit to get the map to work, just its corpse feature. (a number of mufdvr222s maps for instance use corpses for the Arm Razor which was not implemented in TAESC.) Note (unitname)_dead features are still features the corpses of units turn into reclaimable features.
#Stacks tnt game crashes Patch
You should install the TA unofficial patch if you already have it installed then you're dealing with a map that came with a custom feature that wasn't picked up by the tamec / tauniverse crew inform the Taesc ppl (wotan I think) who may be able to include that feature in the future. If you crash out loading features, with a message that a certain feature is missing - this map / mission uses a feature you're missing.