Testing and maintenance - Understand how to perform system testing per NFPA 13D and Uponor guidelines, and learn about tools for homeowner maintenance. Holland Fire Protection offers the highest quality fire sprinkler installation in Northern California.Distribution pipes send water to the fire sprinkler heads using a water source to maintain and. Member of American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) Member of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Member of Associated Builders. Installation - Learn best practices for creating system modifications, in addition to assembling sprinklers onto Uponor sprinkler adapters, mounting sprinklers at the correct height, relocating sprinklers as needed, and installing system piping. Valves and alarm devices control and monitor the waters flow. holds the following Licenses, Certifications and Memberships: CALIFORNIA C16 Fire Protection Contractor (Design and Installation) State of Idaho Registered Contractor.Job-site preparation - Discover installation preparation tactics, including how to pull a permit and submit plans for approval, what tools to bring to the job site, installation scheduling, and how to conduct pre-installation job-site walks.Uponor Construction Services - Identify estimation, design, and installation support to bring greater ease and efficiencies to projects, and learn where to request estimates and designs as well as the information needed for project success. ORR Protection has over 45 years of experience designing, inspecting and maintaining mission critical fire alarm, detection, and waterless suppression.NFPA 13D - Learn how to reference the NFPA 13D standard for information about final sprinkler placement when encountering obstructions, heat sources, and sprinkler spacing requirements, and discover requirements for water supplies, system types, and materials.

The San Francisco Bay Area NFSA Chapter and the Los Angeles Area NFSA Chapter both work toward our mission to protect lives and property from fire through the widespread acceptance of the fire sprinkler concept. This course includes the following key topics. The National Fire Sprinkler Association has two Chapters located in Northern and Southern California.